Inspired By: House Dressings Shares Our Favorite Inspirations for 2020

Where do you find inspiration? For some, it’s about being outdoors, taking a brisk walk, or looking up at the sky and discovering a gorgeous rainbow. For others, inspiration can be found in daily life with time away from screens, practicing positivity, or enjoying amazing moments with special friends and loved ones. Inspiration can also come from the pages of the Bible, Pinterest, watching a great Ted Talk or even from the wisdom of a Fortune Cookie.

Wherever you seek inspiration, we can all agree that it comes from “time away” – an intentional decision to hit pause and just feel, listen, see. As stagers, we understand how important it is to stop and smell the roses (or essential oils!), letting our right brains take charge to visualize, imagine, and create. When we’re short on time and long on aspiration, we take mini-inspiration breaks by connecting with a favorite designer, blogger or social media influencer.

As we begin 2020, House Dressings wishes you the gift of inspiration through regular “pauses” as you ponder, absorb and encounter that brilliant spark that ignites your passion to explore new possibilities for your home and interior spaces. And just so you don’t have to wonder who we’re following in 2020 here’s our “secret” list of favorites:

Inspired By –

1. Anissa Zajac with House Seven Design

2. Mark D Sikes

3. Erin Wheeler with Sunny Circle Studio

4. Emily Henderson

5. Sarah Sherman Samuel

6. Whittney Parkinson

7. Gen Sohr with Pencil and Paper Co.

8. Sherry and John Petersik with Young House Love

9. Athena Calderone with Eyeswoon
